Open research

CORE and PubMed collaborate for further full text dissemination

CORE provides access to freely available full text papers which were previously  unavailable in PubMed to enhance the experience of PubMed users. This is delivered via the LinkOut service.  PubMed is maintained by the US National Library of Medicine at the National Institutes of Health. It constitutes the largest citations database in health sciences and […]

Applied research and commercialisation General news

Trusted research and knowledge exchange – final event speakers confirmed

Book on this event Join us to discover more about ensuring the integrity of research and protecting and capitalising on IP in collaborative projects between enterprise and research organisations. With the launch of our research and innovation sector strategy 2021-2023 and its focus on applied research and knowledge exchange, and supporting its commercialisation and deployment, […]

Applied research and commercialisation Research information and analytics

Trusted research panel discussion

Please join us for this free event which explores how collaboration between enterprise and research organisations can ensure the integrity of the research is maintained and IP is protected. As more research is being done online and in a virtual lab it is critical that research integrity is maintained, and the outputs are secure. The […]