National research data infrastructure Open research

Updates on the European Open Science Cloud

If you are interested in finding out more about the European Open Science Cloud, we have two items of interest.  Over on the Shaping the future of Janet blog, Matthew Dovey explains the background to EOSC and recent developments. See his post European Open Science Cloud: Improving research collaboration across Europe .  We’re also running a […]

Open research

Open Research Quarterly Update – Issue 1: March 2021

Welcome to the March 2021 Issue Editorial Hello, and welcome to our first issue of the Open Research Quarterly Update (Digest) for this year. Over the past few months at Jisc, we’ve been working as hard as ever to improve our services, continually evolving to meet the needs of our members and the wider research […]

General news

FAIR enough?

FAIR: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable. We all think FAIR is a “good thing” don’t we (given the likely audience for this blog that is [almost] a given). Who could be against something that, once stated, is so blindingly obvious? If it’s not findable, and usable then why are we spending time, money and resources keeping […]