General news

The OA Switchboard and Jisc: What’s in it for HEI who are Jisc members?

Back in December 2020, UKRI, The Wellcome Trust and Jisc announced that we were the first organisations in the UK to support the establishment of something called the OA Switchboard. Shortly thereafter, Jisc announced that any higher education institution (HEI) who is a Jisc member could participate in the Switchboard for free for a three […]

Digital collections General news Open research

Supporting open access publishing for books: myth-busting webinars event summary

As part of our work with UKRI to support the implementation of the UKRI open access policy for monographs, book chapters and edited collections published from 1 January 2024, we re-visited some of the key areas of concern for researchers that surfaced during the consultation period for the policy (see UUK Open access and monographs. […]

General news

Equipment Data Service Upgrade: Recording the UK’s research infrastructure assets

We have now launched a new version of the Equipment Data service which jisc has run to support the academic community since 2014. The service was developed in response to the need to improve the visibility and utilisation of UK research equipment.    What is Equipment Data?  Equipment Data harvests and aggregates a range of university […]