General news Open research Research information and analytics

How Jisc enhanced and developed the REF2021 dataset (to support the UKRI Open Access policy for longform publications) 

  The Research Excellence Framework (REF) is the UK’s system for assessing the quality of research in UK higher education institutions (HEIs). Institutions are invited to make submissions in 34 subject-based units of assessment (UoAs).  For each submission, three distinct elements are assessed by an expert panel: the quality of outputs (e.g., publications, performances, and […]

Open research Research information and analytics

Subject analysis of routes to compliance for UKRI funded authors

As part of our work to support the implementation of the new UKRI Open Access policy, we have rapidly scaled up our negotiations and are now working with over 300 publishers (and have confirmed compliance of 100 more) across a broad range of subject areas using a range of open access publishing routes. The aim […]

Open research Research information and analytics

Collecting data on open access publications

Author: Amy Devenney (Research and Business Intelligence Strategic Lead, Jisc) In 2019, an article by the Knowledge Exchange (KE) demonstrated the difficulty of efficiently collating consistent article-level metadata to enable the monitoring and evaluation on Transitional Agreements  (TAs) and the burden this placed on our members. Therefore, over the last eighteen months, we have been […]