Open research

Major update of CORE search

CORE has just released a major update to its search engine, including a sleek new user interface and upgraded search functionality driven by the new CORE API V3.0. CORE Search is the engine that researchers, librarians, scholars and others turn to for open access research papers from around the world and for staying up to […]

Open research

OpenDOAR’s Plan S repository self-assessment tool

In August 2021, OpenDOAR launched its free Plan S Repository self-assessment tool to the global repository community to aid repositories in building high standards and broadening their impact.  What does it do?  The tool allows repository managers to see how their repository fares against the six Plan S repository requirements offering clear explanations, implementable guidance and good practice tips along the way.  The tool serves to aid the development of improved […]

Open research

New Jisc APC Return: Reporting publications to aid transition to Open Access

This is a blog post by Amy Devenney, Product Manager – Intelligence, Jisc Licensing.   Since 2013 Jisc Licensing (formerly Jisc Collections) has been gathering and openly releasing data on article processing charges (APC) made by UK higher education institutions on an annual basis – we call this the Jisc APC Return. A standard template […]