We are always excited to announce new releases of tools that support Open Access and use the CORE services. This time there is a release from our friends at the Open Access Helper. This is a tool that helps everyone discover a legal Open Access version of research outputs around the web. What is new […]

On 26th November 2021, the Open Research Competencies Coalition (ORCC) in cooperation with FAIRsFAIR and EOSC Synergy projects co-organised a virtual session on Advancing the skills agenda for reproducibility, open and FAIR. The session aimed to identify and map the skills and competencies needed by the current and future open research support workforce. This online […]
UK ORCID Jisc consortium event report by Monica Duke In the UK, Jisc leads a consortium of ORCID implementors in higher education, consisting of nearly 100 Universities, research organisations and a major funder. ORCID is an identifier for contributors to research and is intended to help with continuity of identity for researchers across time, disciplines […]