Open research

Knowledge applied: Rights retention at Sheffield Hallam (3)

This is the last in a three-part guest blog post written by Eddy Verbaan, Head of Library Research Support at Sheffield Hallam University. The previous two posts focused on the creation of an IRRP at Sheffield Hallam, including the  practical issues of implementation, such as data capture and management. The final post in the series […]

Digital Preservation General news Open research The research estate

Digital Preservation to the Core

At Jisc we recently set-up a digital preservation dynamic purchasing system (A DP DPS). Part of the process involved the creation of a “a core set of requirements…” to evaluate digital preservation systems against. In the process we came up against a number of profound questions (including “what is a digital preservation system”… …but that’s […]

General news Open research

Understanding key concepts in the UKRI open access policy: new support resources available

As the Open Access (OA) landscape continues to evolve, with updated government funder policies affecting OA requirements, we’ve created a series of short guides which explain key concepts in the UKRI open access policy, as well as open access more broadly. Originally envisaged as resources to support publishers in understanding the steps they needed to […]