Open research

Supporting open access publishing by rights retention: Imperial College London

To support the launch of Jisc’s Institutional Rights Retention Policy (IRRP) Teams channel, Ruth Harrison (Head of Scholarly Communications Management at Imperial College London) shares her experience of developing and implementing Imperial’s policy. We hope that her experience will support others similarly tasked. This post aims to present some practical advice based on my experience […]

General news Open research Sherpa Services

Understanding key concepts in the UKRI open access policy: new support resources available

As the Open Access (OA) landscape continues to evolve, with updated government funder policies affecting OA requirements, we’ve created a series of short guides which explain key concepts in the UKRI open access policy, as well as open access more broadly. Originally envisaged as resources to support publishers in understanding the steps they needed to […]

Open research

OpenDOAR’s Plan S repository self-assessment tool

In August 2021, OpenDOAR launched its free Plan S Repository self-assessment tool to the global repository community to aid repositories in building high standards and broadening their impact.  What does it do?  The tool allows repository managers to see how their repository fares against the six Plan S repository requirements offering clear explanations, implementable guidance and good practice tips along the way.  The tool serves to aid the development of improved […]