CORE and are extremely pleased to announce the initiation of a new research collaboration funded by the Norwegian Research Council. Discovering scientific insights about a specific topic is challenging, particularly in an area like chemistry which is one of the top-five most published fields with over 11 million publications and 307,000 patents. The team […]
Our society is facing significant challenges due to the widespread misinformation, in particular on social media, substantially influencing public opinion. As a result, we are seeing a lot of demand for innovative text processing methods to fact check and provide automatic assessment of trustworthiness and credibility. Machine learning and natural language processing have started to […]

At our latest Digital Research Community monthly discussion meeting we heard from two recently funded AHRC projects aiming to improve access to and preservation of practice research outputs. Shared goals Across the two projects the shared goal is to establish a national shared digital space for storage, access, analysis and preservation of practice research. For […]